My Message
People set goals every day. Some reach them and some don’t. Setting clear, well-defined goals is not always easy, but it is, half the job.
We all have dreams, desired results and targets that we aim for, whether we’re aware of it or not, whether we declare it or not.
Some goals are very ambitious. So ambitious that they scare us. The fear of failure gets in the way. The fear of success gets in the way. (Yes, success. Believe it or not). Sometimes other priorities get in the way. Some goals are decided by others and we have to take them on or we “feel” that we have to take them on. And other times we have full, 100% ownership of our goals – we have the luxury of deciding and defining those goals.
Sometimes, absolutely nothing gets in the way of us reaching our goals. And, they are made-to-measure for us. And, we are extremely determined to reach them. And still, it can be difficult.
And that’s when I can, really, help you.
Why me?
This is a marketer’s favourite question… and certainly not mine. But here’s my answer anyway.
My work, my studies and my experience definitely helps. I’ve learned a lot, I keep learning and I put it all to good use, every day. You can read all the formal stuff in my Profile. But the person behind the Coach is what makes the difference. It’s the combination of preparation, experience and personality. It always is.
I’m the type of person that just, simply, won’t give up. And many of my clients call me precisely for this reason. “We have a really tough situation and we thought to you”. Don’t get me wrong. “You” are not the “tough” situation. You’re not wrong. But only “you” can make the difference. And I can help you.
We all have the potential to do “whatever we set our mind to”. I truly believe in the infinite potential of human potential. That’s why I’m a Coach. I feel it’s a vocation. I really can’t imagine doing anything else.
With me, you can work with a Coach that really believes in you, your potential and your ability to make all your talents emerge; a Coach that partners with you in your quest towards your ambitions and goals, believing that there is always a way, a possibility, another option and another idea, path, direction to find a solution. Not just any solution – the one that’s right for you – made to measure, just for you.
You can stop feeling alone. You can stop trying, alone. You can work with who really believes in you. You can work with your greatest fan. And you can reach your goals, your desired results and your dreams.

My Story
My story, like everyone’s story, begins somewhere in a past they didn’t even know about. Mine begins with my grandparents who left Sicily and Puglia to immigrate to Egypt in the early 1900’s in search of a better life. Both my parents were born and raised in Egypt. In 1957, during the exodus and expulsion from Egypt of many europeans, they immigrated to Canada with one suitcase to start over. Their stories impacted my life.
I was born in Vancouver BC and raised in Montreal Quebec. At age 24 I graduated, just after French Canada’s Quiet Revolution, when the unemployment rate dropped to 23% and my father’s brilliant career had moved him to Norfolk, Virginia. This is when I decided to go my own way, chase one of my dreams and move to Italy.
On day 4 of my arrival in Milan, I was already working and I still had jet lag! First a secretary, then a translator and later an executive assistant, my managerial career in multinationals took off in Human Resources and later in Corporate Communications at global level.
During this 24 year career, I got married, had 2 boys and discovered my artistic streak. I also studied relentlessly coaching, training, public speaking and NLP.
Overall, I was a mother and a manager but my perfect plan life began to change. I slowly became a long-distance caregiver. I cared for my parents 7500 km away from home in an era when remote working was still not a reality. Slowly the intercontinental trips became too many. When I ran out of holidays, energy and strength I changed my life and chased another dream to dedicate to my vocation.
Jumping out of the corporate world and starting my own business at age 48 was nowhere near easy but, I had two big wins: I could dedicate to my new professional passion: coaching and personal growth as well as take care of my parents, across the ocean. And, against all odds, I did it.
I co-founded a training company and an ICF accredited coaching school. Life had its ups and downs. I sold my shares, went solo as a freelancer and faced the gruelling reality of long distance caregiving. Later covid hit and the passing of both my parents. I learned how to fall and get up again and again and again, remain sane and keep my business running all the while.
Today, I love spending precious moments with my family, both in Vancouver and in Italy, where I live. I get excited about my travels, especially with my camper, and I still lose myself in my artistic creations.
Professionally, I am endlessly passionate about my work, loyal to my clients and proactive with my partnerships and collaborations. Through the years I found my place working with ambitious business owners, accompanying global teams in international contexts, facing intercultural and age management challenges in a DEI landscape, to name a few.
Training and coaching – are my vocation.
Making people shine – is my mission.
Promoting uniqueness management to generate a positive culture and mindset – is my vision.
And all of this, is my world.
Welcome to my world

Work Experience
2021 to date
Partner, Ventures Bridge srl (Turin, Italy)
2010 to date
Freelance Professional Coach, Italian/English (Milan, Italy)
2007 to date
Freelance Soft Skills Trainer, Italian/English (Milan, Italy)
2017 – 2018
Co-Founder & Partner, The Coaching Pros srl & The NCS, The Neuroscience Coaching School (Milan, Italy)
2011 – 2014
Internal Communication Manager, DNVGL Business Assurance (Milan, Italy)
1996 – 2010
Training & Expat Manager, HR Dept. Special Projects Coordinator, HR Generalist, HR Dept., Assistant to Country Manager, DNV Italia (Milan, Italy)
1992 – 1996
Translator, Interpreter and Foreign Delegations Coordinator, Termokimik Spa (Milan, Italy)
Secretary & Translator, Communication Dept., SOIMI ABB Spa (Milan, Italy)
Secretary & Translator, Communication Dept., Mapei Spa (Milan, Italy)
1986 – 1991
Secretary, Communication Dept., Lafarge Canada Corp.
Hostess & Interpreter, International Trade Fairs & Conferences
Interpreter, Juvenile Court, Justice Dept. (Montreal, Canada)
Education & Training
NLP Practitioner – Intelligentia Docet/NLP Society, Treviglio, Italy
Positive Intelligence Coaching – Shirzad Chamine, California, USA
Agile Coaching – FrAgile, Milan, Italy
Neurosciences and Human Behaviour – Accademia delle Neuroscienze, Italy
Professional Coaching Certification – Erickson Coaching International, Vancouver, Canada
Internal Communications Course – Melcrum International, Oslo, Norway
Digital Communications – SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy
NLP Practitioner & Communication strategies, techniques and tools – Menslab, Milan, Italy
Professional Coaching Certification – Professional Coaching School di Marina Osnaghi, Milan, Italy
Professional Trainer Professional Trainer – Logotel, Milan, Italy
Sales course – DNV, London UK
Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies – Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Biografia professionale
EN Sono una coach professionista (ICF n. 0090218341 – Associate Certified Coach; professione regolamentata dalla legge 4/2013) e una formatrice soft skills.
Madrelingua inglese conosco perfettamente l’italiano e parlo, fluentemente, il francese.
Nata a Vancouver, Canada, e cresciuta a Montreal dove mi sono laureata in Scienze della Comunicazione.
Ora, vivo in Italia da più di 25 anni.
Quando mi sono trasferita a Milano ho iniziato il mio percorso professionale come traduttrice/segretaria e, in seguito, executive assistant.
Ho maturato un esperienze ventennale in varie multinazionali lavorando a stretto contatto con CEO, dirigenti, manager e team globali in contesti interculturali.
Ho conseguito dei percorsi master in formazione, coaching e PNL.
Ho consolidato la mia carriera manageriale nelle risorse umane attraverso la selezione, la formazione manageriale e la gestione degli espatriati, e nella comunicazione aziendale internazionale.
In passato sono stata membro del comitato direttivo di ICF Italia (International Coaching Federation – Italia) e ho cofondato una società di servizi di coaching e formazione e una scuola di coaching professionale accreditata ICF.
Oggi lavoro come libera professionista, collaboro con vari partner nel mondo della formazione manageriale e con uno studio di business design.